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Showing posts from September, 2023

The reason for Santification

               Sanctification is the second work of Grace.It is the removal of the adamic nature.It is the removal of the inbred sin by God.It is having a purified heart.                 Sanctification is to uproot the root of sin in your in your life by God.                 An illustration of Sanctification by God is like when you have a dirty cup,you wash the cups outter part,this is salvation and you wash the inner part of the cup this is Sanctification.                 You know if you only was the outter part of the cup you can't drink with the cup,you must wash the outter part and the inner part of the cup to make it useful to drink with.This work is done by God.                 Another illustration of Sanctification when you have a tree of sin and you cut the tree of sin that is salva...

The word given to men from God

            The word we are talking about is the word of God.It is particularly the holy scriptures.It is given to me to profit.              Men in the topic means mankind.              That is why the Bible says, thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.The word is given to be hidden in the heart and to keep men from sin.               The Bible says thy word is life thy word is Spirit.You know that song that says"Thy word is life,thy word is Spirit write your word oh Lord on the table of my heart,thy word is life thy word is Spirit write your word oh Lord on the table of my heart".               The Bible says "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light onto my part.When the scriptures is a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path your feet will not slide.You will not fall,fail or falter.I...