If you read John 8:1-the end you will see hooliganism in that chapter. They gave it to Jesus Jesus gave it back to them. Jesus understood their mindset from that engagement. Hooliganism and thuggery shouldn't be in our society. My research in school was on political thuggery. That chapter was pure Judaism thuggery. It was Israelites thuggery. They almost killed Jesus. If you are to settle a matter don't settle it with hooliganism and thuggery. It is better to dialogue and peacefully demand for your right. The daughters of Zelophehard demanded for their inheritance in dialogue with the leaders of Israel. They demanded for their right peacefully. People in every nation shouldn't demand for their rights in hooliganism and thuggery manner. Students shouldn't burn down school properties,destroy school properties and destabilize the schools in demand for their rights. Infact,schooling is a privilege so it shouldn't be misunderstood. If you want to demand for your right d...