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Reconciling with the lamb

                       To reconcile with the lamb you must behold the lamb, believe the lamb and benefit from the lamb.

                      Now let's take that one by one.

                      John said behold the lamb which taketh away the sins of the whole world.

                        Let's look at the lamb historically.

                        You remember when God told Abraham to go sacrifice his son.He laid the child on the alter to kill the child.God told him not to kill the child,that there is a lamb close to him.That he should sacrifice the lamb.That was the lamb for an individual.

                       The Children of Israel we're about to leave Egypt.And the angel of death was passing by.God told the children of Israel to kill a lamb to sacrifice and paint the lintel to the house with a lambs blood.That all the people in the house were the lamb blood was painted on the lintel will be saved.Each lamb for each family.

                       That was the lamb for a family.

                        Remember that Isaiah said that he was led as a sheep to the slaughters.Yet he opened not his mouth.That was the lamb for the whole nation of Israel.

                      But John said behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the whole world.That is Jesus the lamb for the whole world.

                       John the beloved wrote in the book of revelation that,there was a book to be open and no man was found to open the book.He started crying because no man was worthy to open the book.But God told him not to worry because the lamb was found Worthy to open the book which was sealed.That is the lamb for the whole Universe.

                      You must believe the lamb.He takes away sin.He washes away sin.You must believe in him that he can forgive your sins,inrespective of how wide,deep, long and any how,high.The lamb can forgive your sins.And he will forgive your sins today if you can call upon him.

A song writer Kirk Franklin said,

now behold the Lamb
(Thank You) the Precious Lamb of God
Born into sin that I may live again
The Precious Lamb of God
now behold the Lamb
The Precious Lamb of God
(Thank You) born into sin that I may live again
The Precious Lamb of God
Holy is the Lamb
The Precious Lamb of God
Why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know
The Precious Lamb of God
Holy is the Lamb
The Precious Lamb of God
Why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know
The Precious Lamb of God
Now behold the Lamb
The Precious Lamb of God
Born into sin that I may live again
He's the precious Lamb of God
When I always didn't do right
I went left, He told me to go right
But I'm standing right here
In the midst of my tears, Lord
I thank You to be the Lamb of God (Holy)
Thank You for the Lamb (thank You for the Lamb of God)
The Precious Lamb of God (You are the Lamb of God)
Because of Your grace
I can finish this race
The Precious Lamb of God (Lamb of God)
Even when I broke, broke Your heart
My sins tore us apart
But I'm standing right here
In the midst of my tears
I claim You to be the Lamb of God
New life can begin (yeah)
(You washed away all my sins)
For You washed away, washed away every one of my sins
(Whom the Son sets free)
Whom the Son sets free, is truly free indeed
I claim You to be the Lamb of God
Now behold the Lamb
The Precious Lamb of God
(Born into) born into sin that I may live again
The Precious Lamb of God
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know (never know)
(Why You love me so)
(Why You love me so)
(I'll never know)
Why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know
(Lamb, I really never knew)
(I never knew, oh never knew)
(Never knew, no no no)
Why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know
The Precious Lamb of God
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know (I shall never never never know)
The Precious Lamb of God
(Praise Your Holy name, Jesus)
(We praise Your name, Jesus)
You love me, Jesus
You died for me, Jesus
You shed your blood for me, Jesus on calvary
Thank you for being born for me, Jesus
Thank You, Jesus
For lovin' me so
Never never never know
For lovin' me so, yeah
Thank You for Your blood yeah
Why You love me so, Lord
I shall never know
The Precious Lamb of God

                   Now the benefits of the lamb are in-numerable.He will protect you.He will give you long life.He will give you wife He will give you husband.He will give you children.He will answer your prayers.He will provide for you.He will give you job.He will give you admission.He will give you success in your academics.He will give you a healthy life.He will santify you.He will baptized your with the holy Spirit.He will give you cars.He will cloth you.He will heal you.He will give you certificates.He will give you heaven.

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