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The shipwreck of ministries in the Bible

                     A ministry is a life term work given to an individual to work for God.

                       Shipwreck her means how the ministry got wrong.

                        Samson was a man of God.He was a Nazareth from the womb.He fought the Philistines.He was a man who worked for God.Samson was to marry his parents told him not to marry a certain woman.He refused.He said the woman he wants to marry please him well.They told him among all the daughters of Israel is there not a one he could marry?He went after his own will.A woman was the person that wrecked his ministry.He told the woman the secret of his power, after serval attempt.

                            He wrecked his ministry.Instead of him work for God at the end of his life,he was grinding for the Philistines.May somebody not wreck our ministry.May a woman not wreck our ministry.In times of marriage may we follow the will of God.

                             Another person that the ministry was wrecked is Saul.He was inpatient.He disobeyed God's commandment to carry out a particular duty.He was always making the wrong desicions.He was on repentant.He was not truthful.See what he told David that he will not pursue after him again.But he still went about seeking the life of David.

                                Instead of him ruling the Nation,he was seeking the life of an innocent man. I pray we will be patient in all things.If you sin repent genuinely.Dont misplace your priorities.

                                     Solomon was a man of great wisdom,but outlandish women wrecked his ministry.Solomon demonstrated great wisdom.He was known everywhere.He was so popular that people came to hear him.But he loved outlandish women.They turned his heart from following God.He worshipped strange gods.May you not love strange woman and strange men.

                                   Jeroboam wrecked his ministry because of bad advise.He followed the advice of young men instead of following the advice of old experience men.He ruled the people with scornpi ons.He lost the ministry.He lost the kingdom.You should not follow bad advise.Evil communication corruptd good manners.

                                 Judas wrecked his ministry because of the love of money.He was the person who kept bag of money of the disciples.He betrayed Christ.May you not betrayed Christ because of the love of the things of this world.Another person took up the bishopric.

                                   Demas wrecked his ministry by the love of the things of this world.He stopped following God.He stopped being a disciple.May you not wreck you ministry in Jesus name.Amen.

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