State of matter is either solid, liquid,gas and plasma.
Are you hot or cold.That is a state.Remember that scriptures in revelation which state that if you are neither cold or hot he will spill you out.
Solid could be cold solid.When something is in a freezed state.If you notice liquid could be flexible and take the form of a container.
Are you freezed.Are you cold not preaching the gospel,not praying,not going to church and not reading the Bible.
You need the fire of the holy ghost to melt you from that freezed state to a hot state to be burning for Jesus.You need to be hot for Jesus.
The flexible water can fit in.Are you flexible spiritually or rigid.When God tells you to preach the gospel do you preach.Do you even practice what you preach?
The gas state is always on pressure when you put it in a container.Are you pressured in life.When ever you are pressured just say this statement "I believe I receive the wisdom of God" the pressure will go."Off the pressure"
Plasma is that smallest particles of matter you can see or bearly see.It is the little part of matter.The bible says the little foxes that spoil the vine.The little things you do that you think that doesn't matter are very important in the site of God.The little sin you commit and you think God does not see.He See's.
Your state in the holy ghost is that you and him will change the world.You should mount up with wings has eagle and fly.
Are you on the ground state? or you are soaring?
The little sin,the little lie can spoil the christian race you've been running.
A city set on an hill can't be hidden.It is time to fly.It is time to soar.
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