Love is known what it is in I Corinthians 13.
Agape love is the real love.It is sacrificial and selfless.
A women became born again.Her husband mal treated her.He molested her to deny Christ but she kept to her faith.
One day the man became blind.He was dying. He was taken to the hospital. A surgery was done on him unknown to him his wife donated one of her eyes for him.
He became well and he was released from the hospital. On seeing the world again he shouted "now I can see,the world is beautiful again".
Now he could see his wife. He said " ha ha what happened to your eye you use to have two eyes."The doctor told him it was his wife that donated one eye for him.The man became broken he repented and became born again.
The kind for love Jonathan had for David is a God like love.
We should follow the kind of Joseph showed his brothers. After his brothers hated him and sold him to Egypt. He forgave his brothers and cared for them.
We should also do like Stephen did.He prayed for his murders. That was love in the face of death.
Above all Jesus our perfect example was rejected by men and killed by his own.He prayed for men saying"father forgive them for they know not what the do".
However,the opposite was what Saul showed David.He wanted to kill David at all cost.Despite David showing him love.Saul even told David that he will give him his daughter if he can bring fore skin of 1000 Philistines. It was a suicide mission,to kill David.After the marriage Saul wanted to use the fact that since David was married to his daughter he could use that means to kill him.But it failed.We should not follow this example.
You remember Sisera who killed Jabin.She gave him milk when he asked for water.The milk was to make him sleep.He slept and she should use the nails use to hold the temple to run it into his temples (heart).These are opposite of love.
Remember,Jesus is the Love who came down to men.He loves you.So receive him has your personal Lord and savior.
Love came down, hope was found
A star lit the sky, the angels cried "Glory!"
Light broke through the darkest night
Hope is alive, hope is alive
'Cause Love came down
Love came down by Kim Walker.
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