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Experience vs Anointing:what is the reality?

 Experience vs Anointing
Experience is good, but we need anointing to do the things of God
Lets look at the Bible, David was anointed and there came a Goliath.Goliath was experience and all the Israelite soliders were experience they could not face Goliath, even Saul had experience in fighting and winning a thousands victory but David had no experience in fighting a war,although he only killed a Lion and a bear that was not and experience of a war,he use a stone and a sling, that stone means something,Moses struck the Rock,the Bible says upon this Rock I will build my Church, and with a stone and a sling Goliath was brought down.You see s were anointing comes Into play.
When anointing comes it makes the difference for example when the anointing came on Jesus all the follower's of John followed Jesus, the Bible tells us that how God anointed Jesus with the holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good for God was with him. Jesus did a lot of work because of the anointing. Peter had experience of preaching the gospel. He saw Jesus doing it,but could not do it. Whe
n Jesus left the world,the holy spirit came upon the 120 elders in the upper room, they came out and preached the won souls for Christ. Peter with the holy ghost won, three thousands souls.when the anointing came on Peter he his shadow healed the sick,he raised the dead.The anointing is the emblem of the holy ghost. When Paul encounter Jesus he did a lot.He raised the dead.
There can be a singer who knows how  to sing,he or she comes on the pulpit sing and everyone claps. The one that is anointed comes to the pulpit sings the same song and everyone knees down and they start to cry for their sins. You see where anointing comes to play.
A car my have fault and a mechanical engineer trys to repair it but could not,an anointed persons comes and the holy spirit in strict him or her to tell the engineer to do this or that then the car works.
An other illustration is a car stops on the way there is no fuel,experience tells you to fuel the car but the holy spirit say you pray on water pour it into the fuel tank,you do that and the cat takes you to your destination.
Look at this illustration,in an organization an ond holder goes on leave and there arise a problems in the organization, no one solves the problem until the ond holder comes because the holy spirit instructed him on how to solve the problem. Experience is good. But in the things of God we need the anointing. Even some time anointing works better were experience is needed. For example, a person my have gone to study music in school plays the keyboard people are impressed, the anointed one plays with out knowledge of the keyboard and lifes are touched. To be an effective preacher you need the anointing.
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