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Connection, disconnection and reconnection

                 God connected man to be in the garden of Eden.Man fellowshiped with God.Man had time to be with God.In Genesis 1:26-27.It says and God said"let us make man in our own image and in our likeness.That was the connection.God talked with man in the cool of the day.Man was close to God.

                 Then came a disconnection.Man was tempted by the serpent.The serpent told Eve in Genesis 3:1-6"has God said you should not est of the fruit in the Garden."?Eve said that "God said we should eat of all the fruit in the Garden but of the tree of the midst of the garden we should not eat of it,that in the day you eat of it you will surely die."The serpent said" you will not die,God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened".

                    Eve took of the fruit of the tree and ate of it and gave to her husband and he also eat of the fruit.That was disobedience.There are people today who are disobedient to parent, teachers government,their boss and God.Disobedience is sin.This is disconnection.No matter the sin you committed you can get reconnected to God.

                       Then comes reconnection.You will be reconnected to God today.The Bible says in John 10:10 the thief cometh not but to steal kill and destroy but I am come to give you life and that you may have it abundantly.This is the reconnection.Jesus came to reconnect you to God.He came to reconnect you to have what you lost.But you are to get it abundantly.Today you will get health,provision,preservation and protection.

                            But you must repent of all your sins by saying "Lord Jesus I acknowledge my sin, forgive me of all my sins, wash me with your blood you shed on calvary, write my name in the book of life, give me grace never to go back to my sins again.In Jesus name I pray.Amen.If you just say this prayer you just got reconnected to God.

                           I pray for you that all you lost are restored to you.You health is restored in Jesus name.Lack is destroy in your life.You are freed to serve God.

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