A nation is a group of people. A nation is a group of people with an identity. A nation is a group of people occupying a certain geographical area.
What do we mean by a Nation going round in circles?
When there is increment in price of fuel in a particular government and in the past government's there has been increase of prices in fuel. The Nation is going round in circles.
When there is increment in food prices and in the past government's there was increment in prices of food. The Nation is going round in circles.
In a Nation where their is increment in house rent and in the previous government there was increment in house rent the Nation is going round the circles.
Increment of schools fees in a particular government and in the previous government there was increment of schools fees the Nation is going round in circles.
When there is increment in transport fare and in the pass government there was increment in transport fare the Nation is going round in circles.
Increment of electrical bill in a Nation and the same thing happened in the previous government the Nation is going round in circles.
When an incoming government promises that we will do this we will do that the same things the previous government promised the Nation is going round in circles.
When a Nation is going round in circles it means there are some powers holding the Nation captive. This means it is not your leaders but the powers that be that are holding the Nation captives.
There are somethings beyond the leader's,that is why Christians must stand up and destroy,dislodge and disarm those powers.
In the book of Acts a certain city was bewitched by witchcraft and sorcery. It was the Apostles that brought Jesus to them that librated the city and the city was in uproar.
In the same book of Acts a certain goddess was worshipped in a city it was the Apostles that brought the gospel to that city that made the city librated.
Still in the book of Acts a city was bewitched it was the Apostles that librated that city with Miracle, signs and wonders.
A certain group of people held a city down with a girl which brought much gain to her masters.The Apostle Paul cast out that spirit and the girl was freed. It was because she brought her master's much gain that was why the city was in boundage.
A man held the people captive in a city in the book of Acts of the Apostles.The Apostles freed the city via might deeds.
These cities where going round in circles until power jam power.
I pray power will jam power to librate Nations going round the circles.
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