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Signs of the prophet

              The children of Israel where in Egypt to come out of that land,God you signs via Moses to tell the Egyptian that he is God to lead the children of Israel out of that land.There were signs like the plagues.That was a sign that Moses was a prophet.         The children of Israel came out of the land that confronted the red Sea.God told Moses to stretch forth his rod to divide the red Sea,it was a sign.         Joshua walk round Jericho to bring that city down.The city fell down,it was a sign.         Moses brought out water from the rock,that was a sign that Moses was a prophet.         Marah water turning sweet was a sign.          David deliving the children of Israel out of the hands of the enemy was a sign.David was a prophet        Jesus performed many miracles in the land of Israel,the children of Israel could n...

Some thing fishy is going on

 SOME THING FISHY IS GOING ON             When you remain at night to masturbate when nobody sees you, something fishy is going on.              When you fornicate and you think nobody knows, something fishy is going on.               When you steal money at your office and your boss does not know, something fishy is going on.                  When you secretly commit adultery and your spouse does not know, something fishy is going on.                    When you commit immorality in the neighborhood, something fishy is going on.                      When you steal mummy's meat and money and she does not know, something fishy is going on.                        At this little c...

Early child bearing and child bearing problems

                    Bearing children early is good.It makes parents to associate with the children early and make them get into early procreation.It also lead to earlier further procreation.However,there are child bearing problems in the Bible.                    For example Sarah had child bearing problems.She was barren.At ninety she had no child.Angels visited her and told her husband that she will have a child, but she laughed, saying is she going to have a child at old age?That is she going to have pleasure?She did not believe.When God blesses you with a child you won't believe it.That long standing problem when its solved you will laugh.                              Abimmelech had problem of children bearing.He took another's man wife.God shut the womb of the women at Abimmelech house.Abimmelech sinned.It may...

Power belongeth unto God

                Power is a compelling force.It is different from authority.There  are different kinds of powers.There is the power of the devil.But it is limited.Where as the ultimate power belongs to God.                  When Elijah challenged the prophets of baal.He said that to know who is the true God let fire fall.The prophets of Baal called in their god fire did not fall.But Elijah prayed and fire fell from heaven,power belongeth unto God.                   The children of the Israel where at the red Sea.They could not cross.God told Moses to stretch his rod on the red Sea it parted.Power belongeth unto God.           There children of Israel had no water God told Moses to strike the rock that water will come out.Moses stroke the rock water came out for the children of Israel to drink.Power belongeth unto God.   ...

What would Jesus do?

 What would Jesus do?              The woman caught in adultery was bringing to Jesus.The Israelite who brought her to Jesus and said that the law says anyone caught in adultery should be stoned to death.              Jesus said anyone without sin should first cast the stone on her.And he stooped down writing on the ground.              They left one after the other.Jesus saidd to the woman where are the accuser.Has no man comdermed you.She said no man Lord.Jesus said go and sin no more.                You see Jesus forgave the woman.When someone offend forgive the person.The accusers had sin in their lives.They were not looking at the sin in their own life.                On a Sabbath day,there a Jesus saw a man sick.Jesus said is it good to do good on the Sabbath day? Jesus healed the man on the Sa...

The gods are poor.Part 6

             In the Bible the children of Israel fought with the Philistines.The children of Israel were defected and the ark of God was taken.       The Philistines kept the ark of God in the house of their god dagon.When the Philistines woke up in the morning,they found out that their god had falling down bowing to the ark of God.       When it seems like you are not winning.When it seems like you are loosing.Dont give up.God is fighting on your behalf,to show the enemies that he his God.          The children of the Philistines had to release the ark of God to the children of Israel.Whatever the enemies have taken from you will be returned to you in Jesus name.The ark of God came to the Israelites they shouted for joy.           Do not loose the presence of God for the mondane this of this world.Do not loose your salvation for the things of this world.Do not loose the sa...

The gods are poor.Part 5

 MY EXPERIENCE                   I was in a school. I had bad friends, good friends and the ugly onces. I was told not to follow the bad friends. I did not listen.               I so much friends were the bad and ulgy friends.We won't attend classes.We always go to the stream to play,eat and while away time.               Our J S S 3 exam where approaching.They knew I was brilliant.They knew that they will fail.                So, they toook me to a ritualist.They told me that it is the Jss 3 success program they are in for at the ritualist.              The day came I was brain washed,hypnotised and lured to the ritualist house.                When we got there I was told to lie down on a Mart.I lied.And they used a bed sheets to cover me.I was lying down...

The gods are poor.Part 4

 My dream                      I had different dreams on the 24th of December 2020. I saw many students in rags in school.They were wearing rags like uniform.They had to compromise in school to be accepted by their friends.                         This is where is starts.When you begin to compromise in school. You begin to compromise in the things of God.You might begin to trust in god of your friends.                           This is why many young people deviate in school, because of acceptance.They do not follow the steps of their godly parents.When they get to school they begin to follow bad friends.                          There is a saying in the Bible that,evil communication corrupts good manners.         ...

The gods are poor.Part 3

 Chapter 3 The example that was bad. In a school,three friends decided to do money ritual and to seek the god of the ritualist in the country of Benin Republic.          They told the man they went to see that they came to do money ritual.            The man told them to lie down in coffins.They lied in the coffins.There where three coffins.            The man in Benin republic did the ritual and one of them turned to money.             The one that turned to money did not know that his friends had already planned with the ritualist that they wanted to use one of their friends for money rituals.              The ingnorant friend slept in the coffin that would change into money.He did not know that he was the bait to be used to become money.              How did we know the story is true.They mark reg...

The gods are poor.Part 2

 THE SCENE OF A MAN WHO DID MONEY RITUAL                      There was a scenerio of a man.He went to school and graduated.In our country Nigeria we do serve in the youth service.He saw people succeeding and he desired to succeed.                         Because of his desire to succeed,he did money ritual.After he got married,he had a daughter and used the daughter for money ritual by sleeping with the girl and using the handkerchief giving to him from the native doctor to wipe the blood from the girls Virginia and he took it to the native doctor for money rituals.                       He was giving instructions that he would have to be defiling his daughter at a certain period of time to renew the covenant.                        He started getting ric...

The gods are poor.Part 1

 Part one THE HUNTER There were many hunters in a particular village.They craved for success, but this lead to a dead end.       So,one of the hunter seeked a strange God.The God's gave him successes.He started hunting and bringing into the village animals.The people of the village where happy with him.The king was happy with him and he was honoured.        Women became interested in him.He got married but he had no child.This was because of his actions of seeking a strange God to give him success.           Later, after a long time he gave birth to children and they where maimed and handicap.The people in the village started suspecting him.            There where chaos in the village.There were curses rained on the village, because of this man who sort a strange God.            The king found out,what the hunter did.He was banished from the village.    ...

Fasting and Prayer

                 Fasting and Prayer goes together.This is when you do without food and sometimes without water for a period of time and accompanied with prayer.                  There are times people eat only fruit and they pray and seek the face of God.There are times people only drink water without food and they pray to seek the face of God.                  There are fasting you eat food without salt and you pray seeking the face of God.                   The bible says they that wait upon shall mount up with wings as eagles,they shall run and not be weary,they shall  walk and not faint.                  Fasting gives strength for the journey.There are some Christians who are feather weight when you fast and pray you become heavy weight.     ...

Intergrity is a virtue

               Intergrity is to be one.Intergrity is to be holy.Intergrity is to be truthful at all times.That is why the Israelites will say the Lord our God is one. Joseph in the Bible was a man of intergrity.There came a time when his master wife cast her eyes on him.               Portphars wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her.Joseph said that his master has kept nothing from him except her and that there is non greater than himself in the house.Joseph said how can I do this wicked thing and sin against God.            Joseph knew that no one will know if he gets involve in the act.But he knew that there is a God in heaven who sees.           David was a man of intergrity.The Bible confessed him as a man of integrity.           Samuel was a man of integrity.He said at the point of his death, whose horse have I taken,whose ass have...

The enemy within and without

                 An enemy is an adversary.An enemy is an entity against you.There are enemies within and there are enemies without.                The children of Israel had pharoah who stood against them.He would not let them go.He delayed them.Delay is not denier.Your enemies must let you go. Even after pharoah let them go, he still pursue after them.God had to provide a way in the red Sea.God will make a way for you were there seems to be no way.The eygptians perish in the red Sea.If it takes your enemy to perish for you to move on the Lord will do it.                 David and the children of Israel had an enemy called Goliath.He bragged that the children of Israel should present a man to stand against him.David volunteered.                 David said "the Lord that gaved me victory over the Lion and the bear,will give...

The rapture at the last Trump

The rapture      The rapture is an event that will take place at the end of the world.It is the taken away of the saints to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.It is the taken away of the saints to meet the Lord is the air.It is when the last Trump will be blowed. The Bible tells us that at the last Trump we will all be gone.      The Bible tells us in the book of Matthew 24 that the rapture will be like as in the time of Noe (Noah).Let me remind you for the time of Noah the where giving in marriage, eating, drinking and merrying.God gave the Noah a dimesion of an ark that can save the world at that time.But the people believe him not, until even animals obeyed and we're saved.Is that not what is happening in the world today?People are marrying, eating, drinking and merrying.That is how the Lord will come upon is.The Bible says in the same Matthew 24 that two shall be in the field one shall be taken and the other left,two shall me grinding at the Mill one sha...

Holiness unto the Lord now and always

Holiness unto the Lord              Holiness is God's nature.God wants us to be holy.The Bible says be ye holy for I am holy.The Bible says follow peace with all men and Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.              There are series of people who where holy unto the Lord. Abraham was holy.Lot lived a life of holiness in Sodom and Gomorrah.That was why when Abraham bargain with God not to destroy Sodom, Abraham asked him if there are rightheous people in Sodom will he destroy Sodom.God said If there are fifty righteous people in Sodom will he destroy Sodom. Abraham said if there are forty five righteous people in Sodom will he destroy Sodom,God said if he finds forty five righteous people in Sodom he will not destroy Sodom for forty five righteous people sake.Abramham said if there are forty righteous people in Sodom will he destroy Sodom,God said he will not destroy Sodom for forty righteous peopl...

Listen to Gods voice when he speaks

 Listening to Gods voice                 Listening to God is very important and good. It will save you of many trouble and stress.You can get into trouble if you don't listen to God's voice.                 Saul was told to go to the AmalaKite to wipe out the AmalaKite. God told him live nothing alive. He went to the land, killed most people but left the animals and the king. He brought them to the palace.                 God told Samuel to check on Saul.When Samuel came to the palace, he told Saul what is this animals sound and who is this king. Saul said it is the king of the AmalaKite and their animals.                 Samuel told him he his disobeying God. That obedience is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams. Saul listen to another voice. That coated him his kingdom.       ...

Bags with holes in peoples life

Bags with holes        The situation in the world now is desolation.The people do not give. That is why there are hole's in their bags. It can mean there are hole's in the pockets. This is because people resist to pay their tithe and pay to build the house of God.           That is why the bible says in Haggai 1:11 says there is seizure in the supply of corn,food,people,humans and the weather. We see rain not falling. Thereby affecting crops from growing.              People should start giving. At this time, we show love to our neighbours,friends, community and country.              I remember armed robbers,visiting a house, they wanted to kill everyone, the wife of the house brought out her tithe book and said except I did not pay all my,our tithe in full the you can kill everyone in the house. The armed robbers did not know what to do. They left the house. That is a ...

Experience vs Anointing:what is the reality?

 Experience vs Anointing Experience is good, but we need anointing to do the things of God Lets look at the Bible, David was anointed and there came a Goliath.Goliath was experience and all the Israelite soliders were experience they could not face Goliath, even Saul had experience in fighting and winning a thousands victory but David had no experience in fighting a war,although he only killed a Lion and a bear that was not and experience of a war,he use a stone and a sling, that stone means something,Moses struck the Rock,the Bible says upon this Rock I will build my Church, and with a stone and a sling Goliath was brought down.You see s were anointing comes Into play. When anointing comes it makes the difference for example when the anointing came on Jesus all the follower's of John followed Jesus, the Bible tells us that how God anointed Jesus with the holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good for God was with him. Jesus did a lot of work because of the anointing. P...

Sanctification the second work of grace

     Sanctification is the second work of grace.It is the removal of the adamic nature. It is the removal of the sinful nature,but you have to be born again.     Been bBor again is like cleansing the outta cup while sanctification is cleaning the inside of the cup.      Sanctification is a different experience from salvation.       Jesus prayed for our Sanctification.It is the will of God to be sanctified.Because John 17:17 says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true.       The  Lord thy God will circumcise thy heart and the heart of thy seed to love the Lord thy God.Sanctification is God's work on the heart. The benefit of Sanctification is that it make's you and I holy.The bible says be ye holy for I am holy. It helps us live a holy life.It helps us to be pure.It helps us to be rapturable.It helps us to be clean.Sanctification keeps us from sin.That is why I thesis 4:3 says this is the will of G...

Healing of all diseases

Healing is for the children. Children here means those who have given their life to Christ. Christ always a ddress the issue of sin. That is why Jesus says thy sins be forgiven thee before Healing the paralytic man.Jesus says sin no more less a worse thing happen to you.Jesus says neither do I condemn you  go and sin no more to the woman caught in adultery.If you are not born again say Lord I know am sinner,forgive of  my sins,come into my life,Lord Jesus give me the grace never to go back to go my sins in Jesus name. Amen. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the son of man be life  up.If you look at Jesus today you can be healed today no matter the sickness Christ can heal you.I break the yoke of sickness in your life in Jesus name. The sickness of corona virus could be a sign that Jesus is coming.Are you ready for that coming day. At this time always wash your hands. Avoid shaking people. Avoid close contact with people. Avoid hugging. Avoid crow...

Victory over sin a must

Sin a bad thing you do against God.It is breaking God's laws and commandent.It is also sinning against your fellow men.That was why God said in his word love your neighbor. There are people who sined in the Bible.The first one is Adam and Eve the disobeyed God. Another example are the people of Sodom. Another example is David he commited adultery. Cain commited murder.He killed Abel. Lots children comitted sin with him.The children of Israel were chronic sinners.Judas betrayed our Lord... There are many consequences of sin.They are physical death,spiritual death,hell and lost. The solution out of sin is to be born again.Repent and to forsake sin and to live a holy life within and without all the days of our lives.Another solution is to keep reading the Bible. Also a solution over sin is to be prayerful. Another solution to the sin is to listen to word of God. Read articles on the internet and social media. And to fellowship with the brethren. I break the yoke of sins in your lif...

Tune in to the right source

The radio is what we tune in to listen to.If we dont tune in we cant listen to what the radio has to say.If you dont tune in you cant have the information that will benefit your life. Samson did not tune in to what his parent were telling him.They told him not to marry out of Israel he did not listen.Esau did not tune to his parent .Eli did not tune in to what God told him.He was suppose to correct him children.He said he is the Lord let him  do what pleases him..Jeroboam did not listen to the elders.He did not tune in to their information.He tuned in to the wrong information.Judas did not tune in to what Jesus was telling him .He should have reppented.But he still went aheard to betray Jesus......... There are people today who listen not to their Pastors,elders,parent and loved ones.Those kind of people will always end in a tragedic situation.Who are those whom you listen to.Do you listen to the word of God.Do you listen to the call of repentence..Do you you listen to you Pastor...

Temptation and how to overcome it

Temptation is a time of trial. It is a time of test. You can not be tempted above you powers. God can't tempt any man neither he tempted any man. The first point here is to point out those who were tempted in the Bible but failed. The first is David. David was tempted from what he saw. He saw a woman bathing 🛀. He could not resist.Another one is Gehazi he was tempted of possession that Naman brought to his Master.That cost him to be leprous and he lost the priesthood. Absalom was tempted of power.He could not resist that cost him his life. You should not be intoxicated by power. Judas was tempted by money 💰 be sold our Lord.Solomon was tempted by women 👭 he could not resist but was carried away by woman 👭 and their idols. However there are characters in the Bible who  were tempted but overcame the temptations. The first is Abraham. Another one is Job he was tempted even until death but he overcame.Joseph was tempted of a woman 👩  but he resisted and he overcame. Our Lo...

The return of the prodigal daughter

                     There was a lady called Miriam.She spoke against Moses .God was angry and she had leprosy.She was kept out of the camp to regain her skin. The point is that there are times you sin against God there are times you have to wait for your healing. It may take time to heal but will you wait to be healed?.........                      Another prodigal daughter who came to Jesus was the woman caught in adultery.She was brought to Jesus and they said that  Moses commanded that they they should stone to death the person that commit adultery and they ask Jesus what does he think and Jesus said he that is without sin should first cast the some at her. They left one after the other. The point is that she was brought to Jesus if you are sinning come to Jesus and in your time of trial stand with Jesus. And if you a have committed any sin Jesus says neither do I conde...

The blood that does not loose it's power

There is power in the blood of Jesus.The blood of Jesus cleanse us from all sins. If the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkle the unclean how much more shall the the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. The blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the blood of Abel.......... That reminds me of the time when the children of Israel were in the land of Egypt the angel of death was passing. God told the children of Israel to kill a lamb of a house 🏡 That they should sprinkle the blood on the lintel of the house 🏡. And God said when I see the blood I will pass over you. That is the blood of Jesus protect. The blood of Jesus Christ heals. The blood of Jesus Christ delivers.You can ask the blood of Jesus to do wonders in your life today.              It reaches to the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley.The blood that gives me power (strength),it will never loose it's power.         ...

Heaven the ultimate goal

                Heaven is a beautiful place. It is the place of abode. It is the place where God, angels and the saints are. Heaven is a place where people live forever. .....           The condition of entering heaven is to experience the new birth.It is to have a purified life. It is to follow peace with all men.  👬.Hebrews12:14.The  bible says follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord.                If you want to see the Lord you must follow peace with all men and holiness. Another condition for entering heaven is to live a holy life within and without.The bible says be ye holy for I am holy.                Examples of those who have gone to heaven from here on earth 🌍 are Enoch, the Bible says Enoch was not for God took him.Elijah,in the bible says Elijah was taken to heaven by chario...

The prayer and it benefits

Prayer is communicating with God. Prayer is making your request known to God. Prayer is talking with God...........................................Prayer is communicating with God out of Church and in Church ⛪. What God wants to hear from a sinner is the sinners prayer of repentance.                        Example's of people who prayed in the Bible and God heard their prayers ares Hannah who prayed for children.....Jabez prayed that God should bless him and change his sorrowful nature to blessing. Jacob who prayer that God should bless him and God change his name to Israel.....Joshua  who prayed that the Sun ☀ should stand still.Moses always prayed for the children of Israel...... David prayed the sinners prayer when he sinned. Elijah and Elisha where men  👬 of prayer.Daniel was a man 👨 of prayer.Abramham prayed for Lot to be saved from sodom.Jesus prayed.He was a giving to prayer. Paul and Silas prayed.The disc...

Fellowship with the right source

Worldwide crypto trading on Bitpanda. Join a reliable trading platform with low fees. HIDE AD  •  AD VIA BUYSELLAD Fellowship is having an intimate relationship with God.The foundation of Fellowship starts by having the new birth.................................................... ..Fellowship continues when you spend quality time with God.It is going to church ⛪ for Bible study, on Sunday and other programs................................. Fellowship has to do with having a time of not only group retreat but personal retreat. It is spending time to study the Bible. It is spending time in prayers.It is sharing with the brethren.Fellowship is worshipping God in psalms,hymns and songs. It is talking to God. An example is God withAdam. Another example is the New Testament believers who had fellowship among them selves.Please follow me on my blog by  clicking on the menu at the top on the right side of the page and then you click fol if you are lead to sow ...