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Hooliganism and thuggery in the Bible

 If you read John 8:1-the end you will see hooliganism in that chapter. They gave it to Jesus Jesus gave it back to them. Jesus understood their mindset from that engagement. Hooliganism and thuggery shouldn't be in our society. My research in school was on political thuggery. That chapter was pure Judaism thuggery. It was Israelites thuggery. They almost killed Jesus. If you are to settle a matter don't settle it with hooliganism and thuggery. It is better to dialogue and peacefully demand for your right. The daughters of Zelophehard demanded for their inheritance in dialogue with the leaders of Israel. They demanded for their right peacefully. People in every nation shouldn't demand for their rights in hooliganism and thuggery manner. Students shouldn't burn down school properties,destroy school properties and destabilize the schools in demand for their rights. Infact,schooling is a privilege so it shouldn't be misunderstood. If you want to demand for your right d...

The good citizens

       A good citizen is the person that helps his neighbor.A neighbor is anyone that needs your help.      A man was wounded by robbers.The Priest passes by him and couldn't help him.The levite passed by and couldn't help him.The samaritan passed by helped him and paid his hospital bills.        You must help you neighbor in hard times.Your parents need you help in house chores.Helping the leader in church activities is been a good citizen.        Have you watched the CITIZENS playing football,they help themselves to victory to the last whistle of the ref.        You must help yourselves.The more we work together has a team the more we achieve great things.What is the meaning of mm TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More.         You may think the Priest will help the wounded man but he didn't. The levite didn't help the the wounded man.It was a country man that was regarded ...


                 The changed we are explaining today is a change of life from what you've been to a new person with life illustrations.                    There was a boy who was having sexual urge,he followed the urge and tried to rape a girl.He was caught and reported.His  school teacher took him to a tree and told him to plug unripe fruit.He did and he was told to eat it,He did,and the teacher asked him if it was sweet he said no.                     The teacher told him that is how it is when someone has canal knowledge of a girl before marriage(time).He gave his life to Christ and became prominent in the society and got happly married.                      I read alot of news of people having canal knowledge of minors.Those people are maybe under educated.Why?It is because if some...


               The changed we are explaining today is supernatural change.                   Abraham was childless till he was about 100 years old.He was visited by an angel.Somebody say "visit"and the angel told him that he will have a child.The following year he had a child.Abraham is the father of the nations.                  The children of Israel were changed from being a slave to being free,just one night.They were slaves in Egypt for about 400 years but one night;somebody say "one night" the next morning they were freed.                  A man called Joshua changed the solar system when he was in battle.He told the Sun and the moon to stand still and they obeyed.                  Hannah was a barren woman.She prayed to God and God gave her children.She was change...


                        Change in the context of today is a change from on state to another.It is a change from one form to another.It is a change from one situation to another.                          The man born blind in the Bible met Jesus he received his site.He came seeing after meeting Christ.He was changed from being a blind man to a man who has site.                          Lazarus was in a dead state.Infact when Jesus met his sister she told "Lord by this time he stinketh".But Jesus spoke to him and he came alive.He was changed from death to live.                         The woman with the issue of blood touch the garment of Jesus and the fountain of her blood dried.She was changed and became whole.         ...


               What does it mean to be changed?It means to be a new creature.It means to be a new creature.II corinthians 5:17 says if any be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new.                When you are changed old habits are done away with.The life of sin are done away with.If someone is sinning and he sins no more sinning,that person is changed.              When you are changed,the life you use to leave you leave that life no more.The places you use to go,you go there no more.The thinks you use to do you do them no more.Because there is a great change.             When David committed adultery he confessed to God in Psalm 51.Do you know what?,till he left this world he never committed adultery again;you know way he was changed.             Ezekiel became...

The reason for Santification

               Sanctification is the second work of Grace.It is the removal of the adamic nature.It is the removal of the inbred sin by God.It is having a purified heart.                 Sanctification is to uproot the root of sin in your in your life by God.                 An illustration of Sanctification by God is like when you have a dirty cup,you wash the cups outter part,this is salvation and you wash the inner part of the cup this is Sanctification.                 You know if you only was the outter part of the cup you can't drink with the cup,you must wash the outter part and the inner part of the cup to make it useful to drink with.This work is done by God.                 Another illustration of Sanctification when you have a tree of sin and you cut the tree of sin that is salva...

The word given to men from God

            The word we are talking about is the word of God.It is particularly the holy scriptures.It is given to me to profit.              Men in the topic means mankind.              That is why the Bible says, thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.The word is given to be hidden in the heart and to keep men from sin.               The Bible says thy word is life thy word is Spirit.You know that song that says"Thy word is life,thy word is Spirit write your word oh Lord on the table of my heart,thy word is life thy word is Spirit write your word oh Lord on the table of my heart".               The Bible says "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light onto my part.When the scriptures is a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path your feet will not slide.You will not fall,fail or falter.I...

Fixing,binding and healing of broken hearts

                     A heart is given to men from God.It is a very delicate,important and a spiritual part of the body.                     However,the heart can be broken from life situations.                      We are going to consider three things,type of heart,touching of the heart by God and turning of the heart by God.                       Types of heart are ,stony heart,heart with torns,heart where the word is stolen and a good heart.                    A stony heart is the type of heart you sow the word of God or words but it fall to the ground.It is like pouring water on a stone.You know it cannot hold.                 The heart with torns is the heart where when the word or ...

Story to Hostwriter

         There is a man who found himself in a situation where he can't feed himself,this was because of his past actions,lifestyle and attitude.         He got to a place where he could be helped with free food and partial fees for school.         He struggles to thick and thin to graduate from high school and University.School was hell on earth.Many weeks he's without food during school hours but eat at night to ensure he graduates.He studied hard.Helped people and took the creator serious.         He graduates but finds it difficult to secure a job.He does many little things to survive.He his still helped.The world is against him.His past actions could be a setback if he involves in them.

Illustrating state of matter in Christianity

                 State of matter is either solid, liquid,gas and plasma.                Are you hot or cold.That is a state.Remember that scriptures in revelation which state that if you are neither cold or hot he will spill you out.                  Solid could be cold solid.When something is in a freezed state.If you notice liquid could be flexible and take the form of a container.                   Are you freezed.Are you cold not preaching the gospel,not praying,not going to church and not reading the Bible.                 You need the fire of the holy ghost to melt you from that freezed state to a hot state to be burning for Jesus.You need to be hot for Jesus.                  The flexible water can fit in.Are you flexible sp...

Molecules a fact in Christianity, families and Nations

              A molecule or molecules is the bonding of two or more elements/atoms to form a compound or another set of molecule or molecules.               In other words it's the combination of two or more elements/atoms to form a compound or molecule/molecules.                Better still it's the uniting of two or more elements/atoms to form a compound or molecule/molecules.                 The scriptures tells us that the early christians were united and bonded.They had every thing is common.                  The early christians were so bonded that they sold their things and shared the profit from what they sold. Not one christian lacked.                    The bond made them to eat what they had together. Is this so today?     ...

The purpose, pathway and problems of marriage

 Marriage is a union established by God.The first institution of marriage was set up by God.Marriage is a beautiful thing.It is blissful if it is followed in the right course. The purpose of marriage is for procreation, sexual gratification, financial assistance, companionship.There are times you need to share your ideas, feelings and heart felt situations,it is only you spouse you can share that with. The pathway to marriage is via the word of God, vision and still small voice of God.The Bible can led someone to get married.The vision could be like that of Peter were God told him to eat unclean thing. Someone can marry via vision like that of Peter whom the Lord to him to eat unclean thing.The vision became clearer after the vision.God can speak to someone via vision to marry. God can arrange a marriage via s still small voice like that of Samuel.When God called him he thought it was Eli.God spoke to Elijah when he thought all the prophets have been killed via a still small voice....

Receiving the keys of the kingdom

           Receiving the keys of the kingdom is a very important subject matter.            A kingdom is a place to dwell.Keys are tangable things people have to access a particular place.In a nut shell we all know what a kingdom is and what a key is.             If you don't have the keys to a house you can't access the house.If you don't have the keys to a car you can't access the car.                   So the keys are very important.Remember most times the keys are always with our parents.If you are not with the keys you can't access the house or car.                          Also,a day comes and then you are given the keys to the house you feel like a big boy or big girl.That was because you were given the keys.                     ...

Persecution in our world today

                   Persecution is becoming the norm in our world.Persecution everywhere.Persecution at home, school, church,in the streets, public bus, market place, work place everywhere.Persecution from parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, government from everyone.These are persecution in the world today.                     Persecution is when you suffer for your Christian faith.It is when you suffer for Christ.It is not you suffering for your wrong.                    There are people in the Bible who suffered for their Christian faith.                     Joseph suffer persecution for holding on to his integrity.Daniel,Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo suffer for only believing in Yahweh.                      Job suffered persecuti...

The salvation of God the Father

                     Salvation is been rescued.We are going to look at salvation from a different perspective.                      God saved Abraham from the land of the pagan god. God told him to go out of haran, to a place where he will show him.Abramham became rescued from idolatry.                        God saved Jacob from the hands of Esau.The night Jacob was to return to his father's land, he prayed.That was when he had an encounter with God and became saved.He was rescued from the hands of his brother.The prayer softened the heart of his brother and he could not do anything to him.                         The children of Israel where rescued from the hands Pharaoh and the Eygptians.It was only God who saved them after ten plagues,pharaoh and the Eygpt...

Reconciling with the lamb

                       To reconcile with the lamb you must behold the lamb, believe the lamb and benefit from the lamb.                       Now let's take that one by one.                       John said behold the lamb which taketh away the sins of the whole world.                         Let's look at the lamb historically.                         You remember when God told Abraham to go sacrifice his son.He laid the child on the alter to kill the child.God told him not to kill the child,that there is a lamb close to him.That he should sacrifice the lamb.That was the lamb for an individual.                        The Children of Israel we'...