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Illustrating state of matter in Christianity

                 State of matter is either solid, liquid,gas and plasma.                Are you hot or cold.That is a state.Remember that scriptures in revelation which state that if you are neither cold or hot he will spill you out.                  Solid could be cold solid.When something is in a freezed state.If you notice liquid could be flexible and take the form of a container.                   Are you freezed.Are you cold not preaching the gospel,not praying,not going to church and not reading the Bible.                 You need the fire of the holy ghost to melt you from that freezed state to a hot state to be burning for Jesus.You need to be hot for Jesus.                  The flexible water can fit in.Are you flexible sp...

Molecules a fact in Christianity, families and Nations

              A molecule or molecules is the bonding of two or more elements/atoms to form a compound or another set of molecule or molecules.               In other words it's the combination of two or more elements/atoms to form a compound or molecule/molecules.                Better still it's the uniting of two or more elements/atoms to form a compound or molecule/molecules.                 The scriptures tells us that the early christians were united and bonded.They had every thing is common.                  The early christians were so bonded that they sold their things and shared the profit from what they sold. Not one christian lacked.                    The bond made them to eat what they had together. Is this so today?     ...

The purpose, pathway and problems of marriage

 Marriage is a union established by God.The first institution of marriage was set up by God.Marriage is a beautiful thing.It is blissful if it is followed in the right course. The purpose of marriage is for procreation, sexual gratification, financial assistance, companionship.There are times you need to share your ideas, feelings and heart felt situations,it is only you spouse you can share that with. The pathway to marriage is via the word of God, vision and still small voice of God.The Bible can led someone to get married.The vision could be like that of Peter were God told him to eat unclean thing. Someone can marry via vision like that of Peter whom the Lord to him to eat unclean thing.The vision became clearer after the vision.God can speak to someone via vision to marry. God can arrange a marriage via s still small voice like that of Samuel.When God called him he thought it was Eli.God spoke to Elijah when he thought all the prophets have been killed via a still small voice....

Receiving the keys of the kingdom

           Receiving the keys of the kingdom is a very important subject matter.            A kingdom is a place to dwell.Keys are tangable things people have to access a particular place.In a nut shell we all know what a kingdom is and what a key is.             If you don't have the keys to a house you can't access the house.If you don't have the keys to a car you can't access the car.                   So the keys are very important.Remember most times the keys are always with our parents.If you are not with the keys you can't access the house or car.                          Also,a day comes and then you are given the keys to the house you feel like a big boy or big girl.That was because you were given the keys.                     ...

Persecution in our world today

                   Persecution is becoming the norm in our world.Persecution everywhere.Persecution at home, school, church,in the streets, public bus, market place, work place everywhere.Persecution from parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, government from everyone.These are persecution in the world today.                     Persecution is when you suffer for your Christian faith.It is when you suffer for Christ.It is not you suffering for your wrong.                    There are people in the Bible who suffered for their Christian faith.                     Joseph suffer persecution for holding on to his integrity.Daniel,Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo suffer for only believing in Yahweh.                      Job suffered persecuti...

The salvation of God the Father

                     Salvation is been rescued.We are going to look at salvation from a different perspective.                      God saved Abraham from the land of the pagan god. God told him to go out of haran, to a place where he will show him.Abramham became rescued from idolatry.                        God saved Jacob from the hands of Esau.The night Jacob was to return to his father's land, he prayed.That was when he had an encounter with God and became saved.He was rescued from the hands of his brother.The prayer softened the heart of his brother and he could not do anything to him.                         The children of Israel where rescued from the hands Pharaoh and the Eygptians.It was only God who saved them after ten plagues,pharaoh and the Eygpt...

Reconciling with the lamb

                       To reconcile with the lamb you must behold the lamb, believe the lamb and benefit from the lamb.                       Now let's take that one by one.                       John said behold the lamb which taketh away the sins of the whole world.                         Let's look at the lamb historically.                         You remember when God told Abraham to go sacrifice his son.He laid the child on the alter to kill the child.God told him not to kill the child,that there is a lamb close to him.That he should sacrifice the lamb.That was the lamb for an individual.                        The Children of Israel we'...

The fullness and the glory of God

                  The glory of God is something magnificent.The fullness and glory of God is something great.                  When Adam and Eve where living in the garden and where fellowshiping with God,that is God's glory and fullness.                   God visited Abraham and told him to move to the place where God wants him to be.It was in the fullness and glory of God he had that encounter.                  Jacob experienced the glory and fullness of God at Jabbok.He said"I didn't know that God is in this place.                   When you experience God in a place or Church that is God's fullness and glory.                    Moses came down from the mount of God.The Bible tells us that his face shone with the ...

Every problem has expiring date.

               Problems are challenges people usually come across in Life.Problems are part of life.                  In life there will always be problems in someone's life or the other.But tough times never last but tough people do.                     Abraham had a problem of child bearing.But God promised him a child.He still had the problem after the promise.He cut corners from the advice of his wife.Dont cut corners when you are in problem because God promised to bring you out.The problem expired.Your problem will expire.                         Isaac also had the problem of child bearing but God visited him.God will visit you in the time of your problem.Isaac problem expired, your problem will expire.                   Hannah had a problem.Her ...

Operation bombard the earth with the gospel

                      In this world we are,we need to preach the gospel.It is very important.Even Jesus Christ gave us the commandment in Mark 16:15.It says go ye into the word and preach the gospel to every creature.                           You have to preach the gospel to every creature because people are dying everyday.Look at the world we are in now.People die in Nigeria, Cameroon, Africa, Europe,Asia,North America, South America and Australia.                            If anyone die in sin the person goes to hell that's the issue. Look at the street now when you are walking on the street just walking on the street most of the people you see on the street are sinners.If God open your eyes you don't need any one to tell you that someone is a sinner.That is what we call discernment of spirits.An...

The Divine touch of God from above

                        The Divine touch I'm talking of is a touch from God.                         When Jacob meet the Lord upon Jabbok,he wrestle with the Lord until the break of day,the angel touched the hollow of Jacobs thigh. His name was mightly change.                          When the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus,the fountain of he blood became dried up.She was with that infirmity for many years but a day came when she said if I can touch the border of Jesus garment I will be made whole.She touch the herm of the garment of Jesus and he was made whole.                              There was a blind man in the Bible,the man came to Jesus to be healed.Jesus made clay with spit and touch the man's eye.The man op...

The shipwreck of ministries in the Bible

                     A ministry is a life term work given to an individual to work for God.                        Shipwreck her means how the ministry got wrong.                         Samson was a man of God.He was a Nazareth from the womb.He fought the Philistines.He was a man who worked for God.Samson was to marry his parents told him not to marry a certain woman.He refused.He said the woman he wants to marry please him well.They told him among all the daughters of Israel is there not a one he could marry?He went after his own will.A woman was the person that wrecked his ministry.He told the woman the secret of his power, after serval attempt.                             He wrecked his ministry.Instead of him work for God at the end of his l...

Faith and the confession of your mouth

                    Faith is the substance of this hoped for the evidence of this not seen.Hebrews 11:1.                         In Mark 9:23,it says all this are possible to him that believes.If you believe all this are possible to you.If you believe you can achieve what you want provided is the will of God.If you can be you can attain any height.Even the sky will not be your limit.You can go beyond the sky.                       In Luke 1:37,it says with God all things are possible.With God you can achieve alot.With God you can achieve the possible.Even the impossible you can achieve it with God.                       In Matthew 18:18,it says whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall lose on Earth shall be lose in heaven.Y...

Recovering your lost glory

 The glory of a person is what God gives to a person to blossom in life. The glory of a person can be lost.Jabez in the Bible was born in sorrow.His mother named him so.But the Bible tells us that he was more honourable than his brethren.But how was he named sorrow.It was a loss of glory.The Bible tells us that and Jabez called on the God of Israel and said if thou will bless me indeed and God blessed him. If you can call in the God of Israel today and pray,he can change your situation. Jacob was a man who was decieving people.He was a man not of himself.Until he met God at Jabbok,and he prayed and wrestle with the angel and his name was mightly changed.He told the truth and was not deceptive before he could regain himself and had peace with the world. If only you can pray all night.You might be a the verge of something to achieve,if only you can pray all night your situation will change. Job was a prosperous man.He lost everything.He lost his children,properties and livestocks.But...

Protection for the mber months

                       We are at the end of the year.We are in September.The next month that follows also has "ber" till the end of the year. They say since the months has "ber" " ber" "ber",it is "bad"things that will be happening in the months.                           But there is a way of escape.God protected the children of Israel from their enemies.When pharoah was behind them with his armies to capture them God protected them.God will protect you from you enemies.                                When the children of Israel face Jericho God gave them the victory.                                   When the Kings of Jerusalem came against Joshua and the children of Israel in there confederation the...

Disobedience and examples of those who disobeyed in the Bible and it's consequences

           Disobedience is the act of violating rules and regulations given to someone or violating instructions of a constituted authority.            Actually,God told the children of Israel to always sacrifice before going to war.A time came that Saul and the children of Israel where waiting for Samuel to come and sacrifice for the battle.Saul could not wait for Samuel to come but he sacrificed in the place of Samuel.He was not a priest.Samuel became furious when he came.Saul said "he sacrificed because of the fear of the people.This was the first account of the disobedience of Saul.              Saul disobeyed God.God told him to go to amalek to destroy every thing found in the land. He destroyed men but brought back to Israel women, children,goats,sheep,oxen and the king. God told Samuel that Saul had sinned and that he should see Saul,and tell him he had sinned.       ...